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Personal Auto Insurance

Does Car Pooling Affect My Personal Auto Coverage?

Why Do We Still Car Pool?

Environmental concerns, traffic congestion, convenience, desire to relieve driver stress, poor public transportation, lack or expense of parking are factors that contribute to commuters forming driver groups or car pools. Parents use such arrangements to transport children to school, sports events and extracurricular activities. It is also common for a student owning a car to carry classmates back and forth between home and school.

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Car Insurance...Getting The Most For Your Money

Does this sound familiar?

You've been a responsible driver for many years, but you notice an upsetting pattern; every year your car insurance premiums creep upward. What's going on? What are you doing wrong? Well, the answer may be "nothing." Remember that the cost of providing insurance, as it is with other products and services, may increase for various reasons. Factors that can affect car insurance premiums include the following:

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Can Someone Explain These Automobile Coverage’s?

A driver who's unlucky or careless can maim or kill other persons and severely damage or destroy property. This deadly potential is a primary reason for having auto insurance. In fact, most states have versions of financial responsibility laws which require proof that you are financially able to pay for any damage that you may cause while driving. Insurance policies are the most common method of complying with these laws. More specifically, drivers are typically required to carry liability insurance at some minimal limit which varies by state.

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Can I Make My New Driver Safer?

A new driver can send a parent’s stress-level soaring. So let's focus on ways to control a young driver's impact on your peace of mind.

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